The instructions in this document are general in nature and provide an overview of the network installation process for Pontem products.
Pontem Software products use Firebird Server 2.0.x as their database manager. It is important to identify other applications residing on a server or on a stand-alone computer using Firebird or Interbase. Give consideration to whether it is desirable to have a version of either of these services overwritten or updated by the installation of Firebird Server 2.0.x which is indigenous to the Pontem line of software products.
Network installations require Pontem applications to be installed at the server with the ‘Install Server or Stand-Alone Computer’ option selected in the ‘Installation Wizard.’
STEP ONE: Licensing and Triggering Your Software
When a Pontem software application is installed and launched at the server, the system must be licensed before it can be used. Licensing and triggering your software requires the assistance of a Pontem Help Desk Specialist. Call our Help Desk toll-free at 888.237.8531.
Select File | Administration | Licensing. The Server should be set to <local>. Give the Code Entry and Computer ID numbers to the Pontem Support Specialist assisting you.
You will then be given the Trigger Code and the Additional Number required by the Support Specialist. Enter them into the appropriate fields to complete the licensing of your Pontem application.
STEP TWO: Setting Up a New Database, New Users, and Assigning Them Rights
Once triggered, you may begin set up of the new database, users, and assign group rights to the users as described below:
Location of Data
Pontem application data is put in the common application data location as recommended by Microsoft. On a computer with Windows 7 installed the Pontem data path will default to: C:\ProgramData\pontem\firebird\
Pontem financial application databases are installed in a shared folder labeled FAS; property tax databases are installed in a shared folder labeled PTS; and Pontem’s Cemetery software database is installed in a shared folder labeled CEM.
Under each of these folders there will be sub-folders labeled reports, updates, and archives.
If the default is not a desirable data path for your server, create a new shared data folder for the database. In this folder, create sub-folders labeled reports, updates, and archives. The users and ‘Everyone’ must be granted full access rights to these folders.
Next, in the appropriate Pontem application log in as SYSDBA (password masterkey). For FAS you should log into Pontem’s General Ledger software as all other modules in this suite share the database contained in General Ledger.
Select Edit | Adjust Preferences | Metadata Aliases to define the new data path in the software. The data path must be set as an UNC path (\\server\volume\directory\file). Select the browse buttons to insert the server path to these folders.
The Archives folder is the receptacle for the back-up files created from within the applications. Users have the ability to create a backup by going to File | Administration | Backup <Name of the Pontem Product Database>. Restoring the file is done at the server. The database must be closed and is activated from File | Administration | Restore <Name of the Pontem Product Da-tabase>.
The Reports folder is where all custom reports are automatically saved.
The Updates folder will contain upgrade patches from which client machines will upgrade.
Create a New Database
From the server select File | Create a New Pontem (application name)….
Under ‘Enter a name for your database server’ the name of the database server remains as <local>. This form will require different information depending on which application you are installing. In this instance we are installing the Pontem Tax Receipting software. Click ‘Next’.
To add a new user, select the ’+’ sign to enter the user’s name and the desired password.
Click on the button labeled Groups to assign appropriate group rights for the user.
Add to the column labeled ‘This Users Group’ by clicking on the right arrow(s). Click ‘OK. Please note, you can create a new group with the rights you want to associate with it.
Select ‘Finish’ and the database will have been created.
From the Menu Bar select File | Open an Existing <Pontem Application>.
The ‘Server’ will be <local> at the server. Log into the database as one of the new users to determine if the database is accessible.
STEP THREE: Install Each Client Machine on the Network
The application (setup.exe) must be installed on each client machine. In the install wizard, select ‘Install Client’ at the ‘Select Additional Tasks’ screen (see below):
When the application launches at the end of the client installation, in the field labeled ‘Server’ type indicate the name of the server, or use the drop-down or browse button to find its name. The database on the server will be listed when you correctly enter the server name in this field. Log into the database using one of the new users you added to determine if the database is accessible.
In the future when upgrades to your software are released, they will first be applied at the server. The user must know the current password to install the upgrade, which will be provided via official update notifications from Pontem Software.
Once installation of the upgrade is complete, the update file is renamed to contain the build number, and saved to the updates folder defined in the metadata.
We highly recommend you log into the database as a user after upgrading the application at the server. When logging into the database a message may appear alerting you that the data needs to be updated.
Upon selecting OK, the ‘Open’ dialog will appear with SYSDBA as the user. Enter the SYSDBA password (masterkey) and the message will again appear. Answer OK and the update process will begin. This process will run one time per database.
After the program on the server is updated, client machine(s) will detect the new upgrade file on the server, based on the metadata path definition to the updates folder. The installation process will begin as soon as the user clicks on the desktop icon. Upon entering the password for the upgrade, the installation will complete. This will ensure all users are using the same version of the software to access the updated database.
If the application on a client machine does not update after a new build is installed on the server, this indicates the path for the updates folder is not set up properly at the server. The user cannot access the upgraded data until the application on the client machine is updated to the appropriate build. To determine the release number for an application go to Help | About…. and look for the line labeled ‘Build.’
Firebird uses TCP/IP protocol between itself and the database. This must to be taken into account for firewall configurations. Firewalls should be set up to always allow Pontem and Firebird (gbak.exe, gsec.exe, fbserver.exe and fbguard.exe) full access permissions.
NOTE: Port 3050 is used by all Pontem applications.