Getting Started
- In Tax Bills and Collections enter the parcel number and tax period for the bill to edit in the ‘Quick Search.’ Click Search.
- With the bill record highlighted in the list view, click Edit Tax Bill.
- A wizard will begin with the first page containing General Information.
- Determine Billing Cycle.
- Regular
- Post-Settlement
- Select the Reason for Edit.
- Board of Review = Receipt prefix ‘R’
- Miscellaneous = Receipt prefix ‘M’
Defer Interest
- Select Miscellaneous in ‘Reason for Edit.’
- Place a check mark in the box next to the field labeled Defer Interest.
- Click Values, then Detail and Finish.
BOR/MTT Base P&I Waiver
- This option is only used when editing a bill from Pontem Delinquent Tax – it allows access to the P&I field in this wizard.
Property Values Information
- To edit the Tax Exemption % (PRE), or Type, or taxable value enter the required change in the New Amount column. Click Detail.
Tax Bill Details
- Click Add New Levy to add a new levy to this bill. Click Finish.
- To edit ‘Special Assessment $’ click in the New Amount column on the appropriate Tax # line and change the amount.
- Changing a taxable value as described in Section D above, will cause ‘Tax Bill Details’ to recalculate automatically. Notice the ‘New Amount’ column under the Totals section now displays updated amounts for the corrected tax bill.
- Control ‘Admin Fee’ calculations on this bill by checking or unchecking the box in this field. Click Finish.