Getting Started
- In Tax Bills and Collections enter the Parcel Number and Tax Period for the bill you wish to edit in ‘Quick Search.’ Click Search.
- With the desired bill highlighted in the List View, click the Edit Tax Bill button.
- The ‘Edit Wizard’ will display the first page of the bill (General Information).
Change the General Information if required
- Verify the Billing Cycle.
- Select the appropriate Reason for Edit
- If Interest is to be Deferred, Place a check mark in box next to Defer Interest.
Change the Property Value, Exemption Status and/or Admin Fee
- Click Values button to open the Values page.
- Change the Values and Exemption status and the adjustment will display in the lower right.
- To exempt the Admin Fee, Remove the check mark in box next to Admin Fee.
Change the Tax Bill Calculation Details
- Click Details button on the Values page to open the Tax Bill Detail page.
- To add a levy to tax bill click Add New Levy and select ‘Levy to Add’.
- NOTE: Levies based on Taxable Value are calculated automatically. Special Assessment levies amounts must be entered manually after you add the Levy Item to the bill.
- Review the calculation changes and Click Finish to display and print the correction receipts.
- NOTE: If this bill has a payment previously applied and the tax bill amount due is being reduced, the correction receipts will reapply the payment and create a refund receipt as well.