
Quick Step Guide – How to Edit a Tax Bill (KY)

Getting Started

  1. In Tax Bills and Collections enter the Parcel Number and Tax Period for the bill you wish to edit in ‘Quick Search.’ Click Search.
  2. With the desired bill highlighted in the List View, click the Edit Tax Bill button.
  3. The ‘Edit Wizard’ will display the first page of the bill (General Information).

Change the General Information if required

  1. Verify the Billing Cycle.
  2. Select the appropriate Reason for Edit
  3. If Interest is to be Deferred, Place a check mark in box next to Defer Interest.

Change the Property Value, Exemption Status and/or Admin Fee

  1. Click Values button to open the Values page.
  2. Change the Values and Exemption status and the adjustment will display in the lower right.
  3. To exempt the Admin Fee, Remove the check mark in box next to Admin Fee.

Change the Tax Bill Calculation Details

  1. Click  Details button on the Values page to open the Tax Bill Detail page.
  2.  To add a levy to tax bill click Add New Levy and select ‘Levy to Add’.
    • NOTE: Levies based on Taxable Value are calculated automatically. Special Assessment levies amounts must be entered manually after you add the Levy Item to the bill.
  3. Review the calculation changes and Click Finish to display and print the correction receipts.
    • NOTE: If this bill has a payment previously applied and the tax bill amount due is being reduced, the correction receipts will reapply the payment and create a refund receipt as well.


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