
How to Create or Clone Tax Unit Control Records for a New Tax Period

The standard method for beginning a new tax period is to “clone” an existing period from a prior year. This copies all the information from the prior tax period into the new tax period with the exception of the Treasurer’s Name and Address information which the software gets the from ‘System Preferences’.

When cloning, all that is required is to make adjustments for changes in the new tax period.

If you are working with a new database and do not have any periods you can clone) you will have to start from scratch.

To create a new tax period via cloning:

  1. From the Tax Roll Setup workspace, select the Tools tab, and then click Create/Clone Tax Period.
  2. In the resulting pop-up window select the tax period for which you wish to calculate bills.
  3. Select the immediately preceding year. (In the example below, the clone process will create a new Winter Tax Period for 2013 (W13) using W12 for cloning.)

  4. Recommendation: Local Units can avoid common reporting errors by changing the default tax period to match the period just created.
    1. From the Edit menu, select Adjust System Preferences.
    2. Open the User Config category and select User Options
    3. Enter the name of the newly created period in the ‘Default Tax Period’ field.
    4. Click Apply.

Note: if you are a County working with multiple tax periods, you may prefer to leave the default period blank. 

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