The Manage Tax Bill Fees and Define Tax Bill Fees tools are used in coordination to apply fees to tax bills will a balance due. Both Manage Tax Bill Fees and Define Tax Bill Fees tools are located on the Tools tab of the Tax Bills and Collections workspace.
Defining Fees:
Each fee defined requires a unique Fee Code. The Fee Name is the label that will appear when viewing or printing a tax bill that contains the fee.
All Fees are applied manually using the Manage Tax Bill Fees tool (accessed from the Tax Bills and Collections Tools tab or through the Manage Fees button on the Detail View).
How the fee is applied determines the dollar amount of the fee. Using a Flat Rate will apply the same amount to each tax bill. Using a Percentage will multiply the unpaid tax on the bill (plus any other unpaid fees and/or Penalty & Interest that has accrued on the bill) by the rate entered.
The Rate field is either the Flat Rate or the Percentage Rate to be used.
Comments are related to the fee definition only and are not seen on any tax bill where the fee has been applied.
Applying the Fees:
Fees can be applied against a batch against unpaid tax bills using the ‘Manage Tax Bill Fees’ selection located on the Tax Bills and Collections Tools tab.
To determine which parcels will be subject to the fee, use the ‘Unpaid Tax Bills Search’ criteria.
The Tax Period setting is required, fees may only be applied one Tax Period at a time.
Once search criteria has been entered click on the Search button to display the tax bills in the list.
Note: The two apply options will not be available until a search button has been clicked to confirm the parcels in the list view.
Select ‘Add New Fee’ from the ‘Select Add or Delete’, then select the desired fee from the ‘Select Fee to Add’ list. The Rate will display based on the configuration of the fee you selected but can be changed to customize the calculation each time the fee is applied to a group of tax bills.
Once the fee and rate have been set you can apply the fee individually using the ‘Apply to Bill’ button to assign the fee to the selected parcel in the list, or use the ‘Apply to All in List’ button to assign the fee to all parcels.
Fees can also be applied to a tax bill individually using the ‘Manage Fees’ button located on the Levy Detail view of Tax Bills and Collections.
The procedure for an individual tax bill is exactly the same, the only difference being is the search criteria has been preset with the information needed to restrict the application of the fee to the specific tax bill you are viewing. The list view displays all the levies that are current assigned to the tax bill (you can view the list of parcels by clicking on the light blue Detail View bar above the Parcel Name & Address Information).
Set the fee and rate to assign and click the ‘Assign to Bill’ button.
Removing Fees:
The Manage Tax Bill Fees tool also has the ability to remove fees amounts that have previously been applied. Both the Manage Tax Bill Fees tool on the Tax Bills and Collections Tools tab and the Manage Fees button on the Levy Detail page can be used to remove fees.
The procedure to remove an existing fee is identical to the procedure for applying new fees with the only change being the option for ‘Select Add or Delete’ is set to ‘Remove Fee’.
Note: When a fee is removed the tax bill detail for the fee item remains on the tax bill but the amount associated with it is reduced to zero.
NOTE: Fees that have had payments applied against the fee can NOT be removed.