
How to add a Property Record after PVA Import

  1. Open the Manage Property Records workspace
  2. To clone a prior year record, use the Quick Search to find the prior year property record by Owner Name (or any similar business if it is a new business)
  3. Note the PIDN# to be added for the new Assessment Roll
  4. Select the "Tools" tab in the Left-Center Navigation Panel
  5. Select the "Add New Parcel" link to open the wizard
  6. Enter the "New Parcel Number" and "copy it to clipboard" so you have it for the tax bill later
  7. Use the Clone button to fill out the rest of the General Information form requirements
    • Tax Unit
    • School District
  8. Select the Next button and complete the Name and Address form
  9. Select the Next button to display the Property Description form
    • Select the "Add-Edit Different Tax Year and change to the Current Tax Year
    • Enter a Property Description
  10. Select the Next button and complete the Property Values form
    • CHECK the Create YYYY Values for tax bills box
    • Select a Reason, change the Assessed value, Correct Property Class and School
  11. Select the Finish button to add the parcel

Now that you have a property record you can create a tax bill for it.

Click here for instructions on how to add a single new tax bill.

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